6 Things America and Pakistan Have in Common

6 Things America and Pakistan Have in Common

America and Pakistan will never be mistaken for kindred spirits, yet despite their differences, they share some striking similarities.

Are religiosity and propagandized television all we share?

Read more: 6 Things America and Pakistan Have in Common

Obama’s Secret Agenda: Baseless Conspiracy?

Obama’s Secret Agenda: Baseless Conspiracy?

Is Barack Obama just a Strawman for Right-Wing Conspiracies on Guns, Islam, and Marxism, or is there really a Secret Agenda?

Read more: Obama’s Secret Agenda: Baseless Conspiracy?

NAFTA & Crony Capitalism: America and Mexico’s 1% Connection

NAFTA & Crony Capitalism: America and Mexico’s 1% Connection

Economic analysts have argued that many Mexicans suffered under the economic shadow of the world’s top plutocrat, Carlos Slim, and NAFTA.

Do you think NAFTA helped anyone but transnational corporations?

Read more: NAFTA & Crony Capitalism: America and Mexico’s 1% Connection

8 Ways America’s Headed Back to the Robber-Baron Era

8 Ways America’s Headed Back to the Robber-Baron Era

Corporations and politicians have rolled back many of the gains made by working and middle-class people over the previous century.

At what point does rugged individualism become vampiric?

Read more: 8 Ways America’s Headed Back to the Robber-Baron Era

Kony2012 and Child Soldiers: a Symptom of War, Poverty & American Imperialism

Kony2012 and Child Soldiers: a Symptom of War, Poverty & American Imperialism

‘I have seen a number of articles written recently about the problem of Child Soldiers in various conflicts abroad – most notably in Africa and Colombia. What has struck me about these pieces, and the discourse about this phenomenon in general, is that they treat the phenomenon of Child Soldiers as the disease to be cured, rather than what it truly is – a symptom of the much more deadly diseases of War, Poverty and Imperialism.’

Read more: Kony2012 and Child Soldiers: a Symptom of War, Poverty & American Imperialism

Alienation Goes Global: Third World Capitalism

‘Unfettered free market capitalism does not work! It is an outmoded socio-economic order that systemically fails the middle-to-the-bottom classes. The Council of Foreign Relations published a paper, “The Evolving Structure of the American Economy and the Employment Challenge” March 2011, arguing that free-market solutions do not work. Likewise, the World Bank issued a report in 2011, stating: “… countries must develop more legitimate, accountable and capable national institutions that provide citizen security, justice, and jobs.” And the IMF weighed in within the past year in a paper entitled, “Inequality, Leverage and Crisis,” stating extreme inequality between workers and rich was a reason for the current Great Recession and suggests radical changes in tax systems and debt relief for workers. The majestic temples of capitalism get it!’

Read more- Alienation Goes Global: Third World Capitalism

Economics Without Safeguards- Capitalism’s Barren Landscape

“The “trickle-down theory” associated with free enterprise and open markets has failed. We have again entered an era of mass unemployment, poverty, malnutrition and
disease, and wars. The root cause of inequalities lies in the fact that the powerful in society have engineered systems that suck most of the wealth up rather than allow it to trickle down. Capitalism has become a distorted and twisted version of Adam Smith’s original idea.

Technological advances, particularly since the 1970s, have massively and rapidly altered the capitalist system in one crucial respect. As Hobsbawm suggested, computers and robots have created a large surplus of people around the globe. And capitalism, which is about growth, profit and speed of production, is unable and unwilling to deal with the surplus of humans.”

Read more: Economics Without Safeguards- Capitalism’s Barren Landscape