Religion vs Science: The God Hypothesis

Religion vs Science: The God Hypothesis

‘We can consider the existence of god to be a scientific hypothesis and look for the empirical evidence that would follow. Many of the attributes associated with the Judaic-Christian-Islamic God have specific consequences that can be tested empirically. Such a God is supposed to play a central role in the operation of the universe and the lives of humans. As a result, evidence for him should be readily detectable by scientific means.’

Read more: Religion vs Science: The God Hypothesis

American Theocracy: 4 Fundamentalist Ideologies Threatening U.S. Liberty

‘Americans seem confident in the mythical notion that the United States is a free nation dedicated to reproducing the principles of equality, justice and democracy. I want to address this seemingly untenable notion that the United States has become a breeding ground for authoritarianism by focusing on four fundamentalisms: market fundamentalism, religious fundamentalism, educational fundamentalism and military fundamentalism.’

Read more: American Theocracy: 4 Fundamentalist Ideologies Threatening U.S. Liberty

[Video] Santorum: Satan is Systematically Destroying America

‘Video: Rick Santorum speaks at Ave Maria University in 2008 and say that Satan has destroyed academia and politics and even the Protestant Church.’

Watch on YouTube: [Video] Santorum: Satan is Systematically Destroying America

Does Santorum Believe Obama Is Part of a Satanic Plot?

‘Does Rick Santorum believe President Barack Obama is literally part of a satanic plot to destroy the United States? This is a serious inquiry.’

Read more: Does Santorum Believe Obama Is Part of a Satanic Plot?