The Religiopolitical Cult of True Womanhood

The Religiopolitical Cult of True Womanhood

The Cult of True Womanhood refers to the submissive and restrictive expectations of middle and upper class women during the 18th and 19th centuries.

How are our ‘modern’ gender roles still evidencing the religious bias of 200 years ago?

Read more: The Religiopolitical Cult of True Womanhood

Ceremonial Deism? 4 Ways Christianity Sneaks Into Our Secular Government

Ceremonial Deism? 4 Ways Christianity Sneaks Into Our Secular Government

“In God We Trust” on the money. “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. What often gets called “ceremonial deism” is all over our government.

If the references to god are defended by their intrinsic meaninglessness, why have them?

Read more: Ceremonial Deism? 4 Ways Christianity Sneaks Into Our Secular Government

The Deism of America’s Founding Fathers vs The Christian Right

The Deism of America's Founding Fathers vs The Christian Right

The positivity of the Age of Enlightenment and the previous American experience is gone today as the negativity of the Christian Right reigns supreme.

Why is Christianity correlated with positivity when it’s intrinsically attached to divisive bigotry and negativity?

Read more: The Deism of America’s Founding Fathers vs The Christian Right

Was Morsi’s Firing of Egyptian Generals a Soft Coup?

Was Morsi’s Firing of Egyptian Generals a Soft Coup?

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s military purge is seen as part of a deal to allow the ruling generals a graceful exit while broadening Morsi’s powers.

Who do you think will fill the void in Egypt- the Secularists or the Islamists?

Read more: Was Morsi’s Firing of Egyptian Generals a Soft Coup?

Is AntiLeaks’ War on WikiLeaks a Government Op?

Is AntiLeaks’ War on WikiLeaks a Government Op?

AntiLeaks attacks on Wikileaks coincide with WikiLeaks exposing TrapWire, a big brother technology from ‘former’ CIA employees…

Do you think the recent dump of TrapWire intel is the real target of Antileaks efforts?

Read more: Is AntiLeaks’ War on WikiLeaks a Government Op?

Pot Legalization Is Coming!

Pot Legalization Is Coming!

In November, voters in three states could approve ballot measures to legalize marijuana, and not just for medical purposes – for getting-high purposes.

Should we decriminalize marijuana or commercially legalize it?

Read more: Pot Legalization Is Coming!

Jon McNaughton, the Tea Party’s Painter

Jon McNaughton, the Tea Party’s Painter

Mormon painter Jon McNaughton’s Tea Party Art has received a lot of negative attention for simplicity and heavy-handedness.

Is this art, political propaganda- or both?

Read more: Jon McNaughton, the Tea Party’s Painter

The Obama Guantanamo Bay Myth

The Obama Guantanamo Bay Myth

Glenn Greenwald: New vindictive restrictions on detainees highlights the falsity of Obama defenders regarding closing Guantanamo Bay (GITMO).

Do you think GITMO will ever go away, or will it just be replaced?

Read more: The Obama Guantanamo Bay Myth