Huh? Are Chomsky, Greenwald, and Assange Leftist Authoritarians?

Huh? Are Chomsky, Greenwald, and Assange Leftist Authoritarians?

Too Much Democracy? The left sees itself as intellectually superior to the right, but has not done enough to demonstrate it.

Are the insurrectionist and anti-surveillance-state activists too-quick to jump on the side of anyone that voices opposition to american imperialism?

Read more: Huh? Are Chomsky, Greenwald, and Assange Leftist Authoritarians?

LulzSec hacker arrested over Sony attack

LulzSec hacker arrested over Sony attack

A second member of the LulzSec hacking collective has been arrested by US authorities in connection with attacks on Sony Pictures Europe.

How much resources do you think are expended trying to find weekend warrior hacktivist ghosts- in the name of protecting corporate profits?

Read more: LulzSec hacker arrested over Sony attack

Is AntiLeaks’ War on WikiLeaks a Government Op?

Is AntiLeaks’ War on WikiLeaks a Government Op?

AntiLeaks attacks on Wikileaks coincide with WikiLeaks exposing TrapWire, a big brother technology from ‘former’ CIA employees…

Do you think the recent dump of TrapWire intel is the real target of Antileaks efforts?

Read more: Is AntiLeaks’ War on WikiLeaks a Government Op?

Central Bankers Agenda: Obama’s Sanctions Against Iran

Central Bankers Agenda: Obama’s Sanctions Against Iran

Obama placed more sanctions on Iran’s oil sales, while Israel is threatening to attack Iran pre-emptively to “knock out” nuclear facilities.

Do you think there is a script the american administration sticks to?

Read more: Central Bankers Agenda: Obama’s Sanctions Against Iran

(Video) Congress to Outlaw Reporting on Government Corruption

(Video) Congress to Outlaw Reporting on Government Corruption

Lawmakers are pushing legislation through Congress that will criminalize reporting on illegal activities and corruption in the US government.

How do we determine what secrets impact national security other than trusting the government?

Watch now: (Video) Congress to Outlaw Reporting on Government Corruption

Trans-Pacific Partnership vs The New World Order

Trans-Pacific Partnership vs The New World Order

Just as the US government today is only answerable to itself, the TPP makes corporations answerable only to themselves.

How does the Trans-Pacific Partnership factor in with the Globalist agenda?

Read more: Trans-Pacific Partnership vs The New World Order

Revolution vs. Counterrevolution: Whatever Happened to the Arab Spring?

Revolution vs. Counterrevolution: Whatever Happened to the Arab Spring?

‘Caught off-guard by the initial wave of the Arab Spring in Egypt and Tunisia, the US and its allies struck back with a vengeance. They employed a number of simultaneous tactics to sabotage the Arab Spring. These included (1) instigating fake instances of the Arab Spring in countries that were/are headed by insubordinate regimes such as those ruling Iran, Syria and Libya; (2) co-opting revolutionary movements in countries such as Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen; (3) crushing pro-democracy movements against “friendly” regimes ruling countries such as Bahrain, Jordan and Saudi Arabia “before they get out of hand,” as they did in Egypt and Tunisia; and (4) using the age-old divide and rule trick by playing the sectarian trump card of Sunnis vs. Shias, or Iranians vs. Arabs.’

Read more: Revolution vs. Counterrevolution: Whatever Happened to the Arab Spring?

Iran, Israel and the US: The Slide To War

‘According to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran is building nuclear weapons that pose an “existential” threat to Israel. But virtually no one believes this, including the bulk of Tel Aviv’s military and intelligence communities. As former Israeli Chief of Staff Dan Halutz said recently, Iran “is not an existential” threat to Israel. There is no evidence that Iran is building a bomb and all its facilities are currently under a 24-hour United Nations inspection regime.’

Read more: Iran, Israel and the US: The Slide To War

NDAA, ACTA, & The Police Surveillance State: Creeping Fascism

‘The list contines to grow. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The essentially unprovoked police attacks on protesters, bystanders and journalists at Occupy protests around the nation. The continuing murder of (mostly young and black) men by police departments around the nation with few or no legal repercussions to the murderers. The growing surveillance state and the denial of basic freedoms via emergency legislation in cities facing political protest usually from the left. The permanence of that legislation even after the protests have ended. The continuing pursuit of “material support” charges against antiwar and solidarity activists involved in work against US and Israeli policies. The infant US police state is no longer learning to crawl; it has learned to walk and will soon be stomping its boots in a neighborhood near you.’

Read more: NDAA, ACTA, & The Police Surveillance State: Creeping Fascism