Faith and Logical Positivism: Limits of Science …and Scientists

Faith and Logical Positivism: Limits of Science …and Scientists

Unlike religion, science does not require blind faith– only trust in scientists, who produce verifiable results and make successful predictions about the future.

Where does the evidenced taper off into the imagined?

Read more: Faith and Logical Positivism: Limits of Science …and Scientists

Royal Society of London: Aliens may be discovered by 2025

Royal Society of London: Aliens may be discovered by 2025

Royal Society of London: developments in astronomy will let us view images of distant planets as soon as 2025, potentially discovering alien forms of life.

How likely is it that the universe is teeming with life?

Read more: Royal Society of London: Aliens may be discovered by 2025

Neuroscience: Consciousness, Death, and Meaning in the Universe

Neuroscience: Consciousness, Death, and Meaning in the Universe

Neuroscientist Christof Koch discusses the search for meaning in the world of science, and the philosophical influence of working with Francis Crick.

Do you balance spirituality and science in your personal life and beliefs?

Read more: Neuroscience: Consciousness, Death, and Meaning in the Universe

Big Freeze or Big Bang? Scientists Challenge Big Bang Theory

Big Freeze or Big Bang? Scientists Challenge Big Bang Theory

Quantum Graphity: Australian theoretical physicists say instead of a Big Bang, we should think of the start of the universe as like water freezing into ice.

Should we look to forming crystals for insight into the creation of the universe?

Read more: Big Freeze or Big Bang? Scientists Challenge Big Bang Theory

Monotheism and the Quest for a Theory of Everything

Monotheism and the Quest for a Theory of Everything

The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible. -Albert Einstein

Do you think the abrahamic faiths were a good first attempt at modeling reality?

Read more: Monotheism and the Quest for a Theory of Everything

Scientists: Jesus Christ May Have Had an Entire Family

Scientists: Jesus Christ May Have Had an Entire Family

‘In the underground graveyard lay the tomb of Maria Magdalene and Jesus, “Son of Joseph.” Taking into account that DNA tests from the human remains show no relative connection between the two people, the conclusion is that they may have been a couple and that they also had a son. In the first century A.D., a man and a woman could not have been buried together had they not been married.’

Read more- Scientists: Jesus Christ May Have Had an Entire Family

Is Free Will an Illusion? Scientists, Philosophers Forced to Differ

Is Free Will an Illusion? Scientists, Philosophers Forced to Differ

‘A hot topic for several thousand years, the question of whether free will exists may never be settled to everyone’s satisfaction. But in a series of new articles for the Chronicles of Higher Education, six academics from diverse fields offer fresh perspectives from the standpoints of modern neuroscience and philosophy. Ultimately, they voted 4-2 in favor of the position that free will is merely an illusion.’

Read more: Is Free Will an Illusion? Scientists, Philosophers Forced to Differ

Objection to Abject Objectivism, or, John Galt is a Crybaby and So Are You

‘Atlas Shrugged is so revered in right-wing circles that, as one ex think tanker admitted, people who hadn’t read it were described as “virgins.” (Without the readership of virgins it would have languished in obscurity.) Rand’s acolytes are always threatening to “go Galt” and deprive us of their beautiful minds, but they never really get around to it. Like the old Dan Hicks song says, “How can we miss you if you won’t go away?” Most parasites of the subsidized classroom know that, in Greek mythology, Atlas holds up the world. One Rand character asks another, “What would you tell him?” “To shrug.”

Warning to would-be Galts: Shrugging while holding a heavy globe on your neck and shoulders is orthopedically unsound and could lead to severe cervical spine injury. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of physics knows that the easiest way to unload a heavy planet is by simply standing up straight. When was the last time you stood up straight? You, like John Galt, have been benefiting from government services all your life. The upstanding thing to do is to acknowledge that fact, and then man up and pay your fair share. (I assume you’re a man by your prose style, your chosen pen name – and by the fact that most of Rand’s followers are.) Instead, you guys are always threatening to “go Galt.” Which raises the question: Who’s stopping you?’

Read more: Objection to Abject Objectivism, or, John Galt is a Crybaby and So Are You

The Covert War on Iran: Killing Nuclear Scientists

‘The general formula, with variations, is tedious but effective – the killers have found a workable blue print and rarely seem to deviate from it. This involves murder in broad daylight, usually accomplished on a motorcycle, often directed at a Peugeot 405, the standard issue vehicle for officials connected with Iran’s nuclear program. A ‘sticky bomb’ is attached magnetically to the door as close to the designated target and duly activated, killing the individual in question while sparing the other members in the vehicle.’

Read more: The Covert War on Iran: Killing Nuclear Scientists