Paul Ryan: Hypocrite and Ayn Randian Poseur

Paul Ryan: Hypocrite and Ayn Randian Poseur

Mitt Romney couldn’t have chosen a better example of the fakery at the heart of today’s GOP.

Is Romney’s selection of a Jesuitical Objectivist smart?

Read more: Paul Ryan: Hypocrite and Ayn Randian Poseur

#Occupy Dystopia: 10 Ways Our Democracy Is Crumbling Around Us

#Occupy Dystopia: 10 Ways Our Democracy Is Crumbling Around Us

‘Our democracy is in grave danger. In fact, it may already be fatally wounded as a financial oligopoly increasingly dominates American politics and the economy. What’s most remarkable about this new form of oligarchy is that it has no face. There are no flesh and blood oligarchs, only unnamed investors. The big financial sharks can swim among our 401ks. They can flex their awesome power without getting fingered. They can set the entire direction of government activity without lobbying at all.’

Continue Reading: #Occupy Dystopia: 10 Ways Our Democracy Is Crumbling Around Us

Objection to Abject Objectivism, or, John Galt is a Crybaby and So Are You

‘Atlas Shrugged is so revered in right-wing circles that, as one ex think tanker admitted, people who hadn’t read it were described as “virgins.” (Without the readership of virgins it would have languished in obscurity.) Rand’s acolytes are always threatening to “go Galt” and deprive us of their beautiful minds, but they never really get around to it. Like the old Dan Hicks song says, “How can we miss you if you won’t go away?” Most parasites of the subsidized classroom know that, in Greek mythology, Atlas holds up the world. One Rand character asks another, “What would you tell him?” “To shrug.”

Warning to would-be Galts: Shrugging while holding a heavy globe on your neck and shoulders is orthopedically unsound and could lead to severe cervical spine injury. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of physics knows that the easiest way to unload a heavy planet is by simply standing up straight. When was the last time you stood up straight? You, like John Galt, have been benefiting from government services all your life. The upstanding thing to do is to acknowledge that fact, and then man up and pay your fair share. (I assume you’re a man by your prose style, your chosen pen name – and by the fact that most of Rand’s followers are.) Instead, you guys are always threatening to “go Galt.” Which raises the question: Who’s stopping you?’

Read more: Objection to Abject Objectivism, or, John Galt is a Crybaby and So Are You

Producers vs. Losers: The Cruel Pro-Rich Propaganda of the Right

‘”Producers” and “parasites.” Cruel language justifying extreme greed seems to be mainstream now. Even Presidential candidates feel free to disparage 99% of us! In today’s right-wing folklore government by We, the People is an evil thing that takes from “producers” and gives to “moochers,” “freeloaders,” and “losers.” Government and taxes “take money out of the economy.” Decision-making by We, the People is “collectivism” and “mob rule.” And those of us who think the insanely wealthy should pay fair taxes suffer from “envy.”

In today’s discourse wealthy elites receiving $20 million a year in “capital gains” while paying almost no taxes are “producers,” while janitors or nursing home workers, working two jobs and not making enough to pay rent and feed themselves, are “moochers” and “freeloaders.” Right.’

Read more: Producers vs. Losers: The Cruel Pro-Rich Propaganda of the Right

6 Shocking Ways Capitalism Is Failing Working America

1) iSlavery

2) The Bain of Our Middle-Class Existence

3) Surprise! Federal Auditors Find Big Pay for Bailed-Out Bankers

4) Economically Addicted to War

5) Mitt Slithers Through the “Carried Interest” Loophole

6) How the Gringrich/Freddie Tryst Distorts History

Read more: 6 Shocking Ways Capitalism Is Failing Working America

How Libertarian Dogmatists Are Sabotaging Ron Paul’s Campaign

‘Many libertarians regard Social Security and Medicare as welfare handouts and as Ponzi schemes, when in fact these programs are a form of private property. People pay for these programs all their working lives, just as they pay premiums for private medical policies and make their deposits into private pension plans. Libertarians are great defenders of private property, so why don’t they defend the elderly’s private property rights in Social Security and Medicare benefits? Social Security and Medicare are contracts that government made with citizens. These contracts are as valid and enforceable as any other contracts. If Social Security and Medicare are in dire trouble, why is the government wasting trillions of dollars in behalf of private armaments industries, a neocon ideology, and Israel’s territorial ambitions? Why isn’t this question the most important issue in the campaign?’

Read more: How Libertarian Dogmatists Are Sabotaging Ron Paul’s Campaign